Archive for the ‘filmography’ Category

10percento sito square

10percento (2015)

10PERCENT [HD, web series, 100 episodes] A web series created for Instagram. 1 lift, 2 girls, 10 seconds, 100 episodes     Go to the video on Youtube   PRESS REVIEW SheWired LezPop Vanity Fair . AWARDS Diversity Media Award 2016 – Web Outstanding Video Production   OFFICIAL SELECTIONS 2016: Out Web Fest (1st edition,

RAC cast per sito

re(l)azioni a catena (2013-14)

CHAIN REACTIONS [HD, web series,  8 episodes] Silvia is a precariously-employed chemistry researcher, single and not really with it. Her life revolves around formulae, unsuitable relationships with unsuitable women, a mother who is always poking her nose in and an inflexible post-communist Russian maid. Suddenly she finds herself having to look after two teenage cousins


a spot advertising campaign on equal rights (2013)

[HD, spot] Ma dove vivi? Intolleranza elementare Purple rain


è bella chi si ribella (2011)

[HD, 3', spot]


lavoro (s)velato (2010)

(UN)VEILED WORK [HD, 3', fiction] Two women on a balcony (un)veil the truth: prejudice is often the most dangerous neighbour.


La capretta di chagall (2010)

CHAGALL’S LITTLE GOAT [HD, 17', fiction] Emma loves “Her”. Emma is invisible to “Her”. Silvia, like a pop guru, dishes out advice. Emma tries to follow up but then she’s forever dazing and imaging the most unexpected like the little goats in Chagall’s skies.


adele e le altre (2008)

ADELE AND THE OTHERS [HDV, 15', fiction] Pia, Luciana, and Michelina have fought their whole lives for women’s rights in the factories, schools, public squares, always in the front line showing their faces for what they believe in. In “Adele and the others” they became actresses for a mission which was impossible but necessary.


gli eroi di casamiya (2007)

MYHOME HEROES [miniDV&mpg4, 8', fiction] Peppe Incariola is enlisted for a very dangerous mission: to survive the everyday life at the building site. Around him different and sometimes unlucky destinies met. Peppe and his fellow workers are our national heroes.


ho visto cose (2006)

I’VE SEEN THINGS [miniDV, 2', doc] I’ve seen people watching things that you wouldn’t believe. ‘Video tale’ of a different world. Filmed in Torino during the national pride parade 2006.


guerra e pacs (2006)

WAR AND PACS [miniDV, 6', fiction] What if the much feared attack on the family that the Catholic Church has been warning against with such force was to really come true? A zany little comedy that, like this fear, harks back to another era. If this is a war, we want PACS.

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